Village Seeking Input on the Future of Route 176

As part of a strategy to promote new economic development and nurture existing businesses, the Village is creating a plan for future land use and transportation along the Rt 176 corridor from Barrington Road to Thomas Court, as seen on the map. Through the planning process, the Village wants to:

  • Identify obstacles to growth of existing businesses – like traffic patterns, access and lot layouts
  • Determine the best future uses for vacant property and property that can be redeveloped
  • Find ways to improve the look and feel of the corridor to make it a more inviting place for residents, business owners and customers

The Village is inviting you to give your input! Visit the project website at and add your ideas to the map or submit comments. The feedback and comments, in addition to feedback gathered in small focus groups with business owners and residents, will be used to develop a survey later this Spring.